Lets start a conversation in our communities about Gd, relationships and the Holy. 50 Days of Heaven a yearly exploration of spirit through art has begun. Join us if you can.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Remaining open to the questions.

Can the world be changed by simply asking questions of each other? This season we stopped to ask how conversations are started. Conversations are at the heart of how we discover the world that we live in and each other. For me I start a conversation by asking myself questions. If I am curious about the world that I live within I might stop to wonder what I think about my world.
My loves
My loved ones
My home
My food
My garbage

And if I am truly curious about all of these how can I not be curious about these same things for you: 

Your loves
Your loved ones
Your home
Your food
Your garbage

We have no idea who took these questions into their worlds.
If you took the challenge thanks
- if not there is still time
- there is always time to open conversations about our world and about God, Jesus, Christ within the same.
