Here are the specifics:
I am asking different people/ groups to create. Take a square of sidewalk, a date and draw where you see God today. As a image, as a reality, as a mystery - what ever works for you - it could be as simple as a listing of chosen words or as complex as your version of the trinity ....
To be involved is pretty simple:
1. Secure a day from me (Post a comment on this or ANY post)
2. Obtain chalk from me or the store (or obtain your ideal medium...)
3. Draw on a sidewalk square / take a picture / write a poem or a song / paint draw dance video4. Take a picture - with your phone or a digital camera (don't let this be the stopper I will take the picture if needed)
5. Send me the following information: names of artists / location / date / digital picture / scripture or poem
The pictures and a list of locations will go up on a blogspot page for others around the city to partake in (the address can be an estimate).
Eastertide is almost upon us and I can feel the questions about grace and forgiveness give way to questions about Jesus walking among us.
I am riveted by the stories that we have about Christ's time on earth after his death.Walking on the road to Emmaus to reveal in his followers hearts the truth that God was in their midst when they were most alive with conversation and sitting down to share a meal. (Luke 24:15-35) Appearing to Mary, Thomas and the disciples to dispel fears and comfort those bereft by events beyond their control. (John 20:11-31)

Stating what we know as the Great Commission to go and tell his story far and wide. (Matthew 28:16-20 / Mark 16:15-18) Being lifted up to heaven and assuring his doubting disciples that the Holy Spirit would come to be with us. (Luke 24:36-53)
All of this makes me wonder how God is seen in our world today?
I wonder what my faith looks like to others?
Where do I share and receive inspiration?
Where do I share and receive faith?
Where do I share and receive comfort, peace, joy, love?
How do I move past fear and sorrow?
Where does God show me Christ and where does God shine through me?
If God is still among us (since God is among us), and works through us with the power of the Holy Spirit, what does that look like. Where do you see God today?
I hope that you will take the time / chance to be involved - I wonder what might happen in the world made beautiful and thought filled by our efforts.
I am asking different people/ groups to create. Take a square of sidewalk, a date and draw where you see God today. As a image, as a reality, as a mystery - what ever works for you - it could be as simple as a listing of chosen words or as complex as your version of the trinity ....
To be involved is pretty simple:
1. Secure a day from me (Post a comment on this or ANY post)
2. Obtain chalk from me or the store (or obtain your ideal medium...)
3. Draw on a sidewalk square / take a picture / write a poem or a song / paint draw dance video4. Take a picture - with your phone or a digital camera (don't let this be the stopper I will take the picture if needed)
5. Send me the following information: names of artists / location / date / digital picture / scripture or poem
The pictures and a list of locations will go up on a blogspot page for others around the city to partake in (the address can be an estimate).
Eastertide is almost upon us and I can feel the questions about grace and forgiveness give way to questions about Jesus walking among us.

Stating what we know as the Great Commission to go and tell his story far and wide. (Matthew 28:16-20 / Mark 16:15-18) Being lifted up to heaven and assuring his doubting disciples that the Holy Spirit would come to be with us. (Luke 24:36-53)
All of this makes me wonder how God is seen in our world today?
I wonder what my faith looks like to others?

Where do I share and receive faith?
Where do I share and receive comfort, peace, joy, love?
How do I move past fear and sorrow?
Where does God show me Christ and where does God shine through me?
If God is still among us (since God is among us), and works through us with the power of the Holy Spirit, what does that look like. Where do you see God today?
I hope that you will take the time / chance to be involved - I wonder what might happen in the world made beautiful and thought filled by our efforts.