Hmm - skip to the end to read the thanks and then come back to read about freedom, but only if you want to.
I am utterly grateful to live in a country where unless I am a complete idiot (well even if I am a complete idiot) I can speak my mind and friends will generally laugh at my jokes, offer support if I am weary or listen if I get on a soap box about a myriad of injustices meted out to people I often do not even know. It is such an amazing gift this freedom to be human and humane that I do not even think about it much of the time. I have come to understand this freedom as part of my rights. Not rights protected by anything but as part of my rights as a person. This is actually an amazing statement.
I do not think about my rights to the freedom of speech, of conscience, of choice, of compassion because I have had them most of my life. I have thought of my limits only as the limits imposed by my self - my lack of knowledge, will power, courage, social panache, candor, ... I have mistaken personal requirement for personal freedom. I have had the freedom to make that mistake because for many years we have spent the good will and energy of our youth on ensuring this freedom for many.
Today I pause to say thanks. Thanks Rolf Hellman
War is terrible and its burden is the huge human cost it extracts for this freedom to be humane. Even while it is the measure of any society that it will fight for the hope that might spring forth from what is possible in freedom we must always be mindful, grateful, thankful to those who gave of their personal store of humanity to ensure this freedom for others.
Thank you Rolf Hellman and all of your cadre of friends and comrades.
Thank you to your family who bore and even greater cost.
Thank you to those you love who bare witness with you to this great treasure of freedom that we live within.
I can only imagine what my beloved Michaeline would write to you about thanks and pride but know that those intentions are added here to my own.
The edge of justice that you have sheltered still grows because of your service and your care.
Thank you now go and have a good time darn it
Karen Mooney
(Meta & Susan's friend)