Lee Long,
Pam Rumancik,
Benny Long (9)
It is impossible to know what response a question will bring forward.
She said - Let's go outside and draw on the sidewalk
He looked incredulous
She said - Come on it will be fun. I have an art project.
He said - What project?
She said - We are drawing where we see God in the world today.
He scrunched his face and said - What is going on here? God isn't in the world and everyone know what he looks like.
She said - Ah but not everyone see's the same thing when they say God. Some people see nature, some people see a man, some people even see a woman... can you imagine. What do you think God looks like?
He said - Like a man but I guess I would like to draw.
Outside they knelt with chalk and he began drawing a tree - the sun - a rainbow.
God takes many different "faces" after all, and in the world today we are reminded of these in the service we give, the lives we led and the earth on which we make our way.
This was a wonderful experience, both as a father enjoying his sons response, but also as a human asking himself, "What would this look like?" Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteLee Long