Location: St John's Episcopal - Chicago
The saints give us an example an which to live. For St Teresa that was an example of a person working for justice and trying to stay out of trouble with the Vatican. (Her personal confessor was a spy sent to root out her mysticism and heresy.) Meanwhile she gave the world a view of how to bring God into the world. Harkening to the invitation in Micah 6:8 she states:
Christ has no body now on earth but
no hands but yours, no feet but yours;
yours are the eyes through which
Christ's compassion looks out on the world,
yours are the feet with which
He is to go about doing good
no hands but yours, no feet but yours;
yours are the eyes through which
Christ's compassion looks out on the world,
yours are the feet with which
He is to go about doing good
and yours are the hands with which
He is to bless us now.
Teresa of Avila
He is to bless us now.
Teresa of Avila
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