Lets start a conversation in our communities about Gd, relationships and the Holy. 50 Days of Heaven a yearly exploration of spirit through art has begun. Join us if you can.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Day 29 - the tallest thing on the horizon

Carol Myers & Karen - Chicago (a reminder of a different time)
Tall buildings reach for the sky. I have heard that you can tell through architecture what people value most - standing stones of Ireland bespeak a wonder of nature, the pyramids of ancient societies proclaimed the dominion of pharaoh or ruler, tall stretched steeples reminded us of Gd and now - now building that house commerce and living remind us where and with whom we place power and importance.

No longer the unknown, the far off king or even the holy, we are the objects of our own fascination.
There was a time when I would have railed against this. In a disgusted tone pointed this out at some poignant place in a conversation. But today I wonder.
The fog shrouds us in a cool glance. The suns rise inspires the rush of a horizon, possibility a waits, a new day is here, the gate to the harbor empty and the waters calm.
We have dominated the land and the earth has bends to our desires.
So ... let us be fascinated by our power enough to serve and be responsible to what we have created. This fog is not ours but the buildings are. The sunrise and its amalgam of chemicals not fully ours still its beauty is in part because of our living.
How will we work to save both.
Now that is a question for minds that will dream.

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