Lets start a conversation in our communities about Gd, relationships and the Holy. 50 Days of Heaven a yearly exploration of spirit through art has begun. Join us if you can.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Day 33 - What we meet on the road up hill...

Karen / Pam / Parker - Chattanooga [Poop Hill]
(Really Parker and Pam)

When we got little Parkery Parker - when she was a mere 8 weeks old and so small she could not get up one step - she set her sights on the hill behind our place as her "business" go to. Hence the moniker 'poop hill.' It is steep and essentially goes up into the woods / mountain behind us. There sit the requisite old car, the beaten up lawn chairs, a discarded plastic cup from Popeye's and pieces of hose (with no spout anywhere in sight).

We thought it cute, then annoying, then good for us, this mandatory exercise 3-4 times a day. It taught us to wear good shoes, what our apartment looks like from the top and how easy it is to see in our windows from 2-stories up. We did not know it was... well... dangerous.

We had heard that there were snakes - our friend Doris laughed and told us to wear boots... really we laughed back and thought - oh sure there are - not around people of Gd.

Then Pam came in and said the dreaded word - I saw..

we looked ...

Holy - %&)@$^#*

Yes friends a copperhead - pit viper - poisonous snake and ugly neighbor - right here is Chattanooga - YIKES.

Apparently they LIKE the rocks and the debris and the sun.

Walks up poop hill are temporarily stopped. And by temporarily I mean I will no longer walk up there but Pam might and Parker will plead...


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