The rain started about January in Tennessee and has not stopped since. The hills, mountains, that I now call my home have baptized every part of me. New green leaves against black, water drenched tree trunks, purple trumpet flowers and azaleas, the yellowing of euonymus against lichen, and moss, and lime stone - in my weariness of grey sky's, my soul leaps forward at the sight of these moments of beauty.
Stopping to let bikers pass, this flood of water appeared between the leaves. The sound would have let us know to look - but safely behind closed windows we stopped only for humanity and then paused in awe of this. The impossible, or the probable, the need to remember the desire to be that free, the will to let loose and tumble - all of that in the seconds it takes to rush past.
People here say it has never rained so much. I wonder if this is Gd's gift to me.
Wash free
Wash free
Wash free
Let the waters of salvation find you and wash free any doubt that Gd is here and remains in love with the love that is within her creation. Baptize me southern rain not to free me from sin but to remind me that even that which is broken can be used by the hand of Gd. Baptize me rain from a trembling heaven to give back to my soul a promise
- it does not matter what I believe in but that I have faith.
- it does not matter what or who I love but that I love
- it does not matter what I as long as I act in compassion and serve
- I am responsible to life : nothing more and nothing less. Baptize me - flood of rain. Save my soul. Fill me with the waters of life, of possibility, or promise.
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