Do 50 days really have to be in order?
Is there magic mastery mystery in concentrating a question?

At some point I thought that life observed in the crucible of time, life compacted by need into a short stretch, might have a desired effect of making me think more about important issues.

The challenge - having thought more about important issues I found that being on the road for 14 of the last 18 days has hampered my ability to reflect on much besides how the people I am with today are - which upon further reflection may be the point of any life well lived anyway.
Call -
To be with two amazingly in love people as they celebrate publicly a commitment to one another - yeah Erin and Josh
To enjoy the company of friends and family as we traveled across the eastern states.
To be in the presence of courage, kindness, reflection and love with Meta and Susan.
To let go of the comfort of a sure job for the open life of ministry - again.
To enjoy the moments left with family taken slowly away by memory loss.
To be thrown into prayer when delayed by an accident.
To revel in the sheer joy of a 18 month old child.
To remember, to reconnect, to retreat, to be with - another.

So 50 days
- delayed but not forgotten.
The next 15 will be chosen by the want of a story that needs to be told. Responsible to the call of life that must be shown.
Included here are some views from our trips.
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